Large Engines - Big Data: hunt down the fault at the first LEC Data Challenge!



The LEC focuses on developing environmentally sound, efficient and robust large engines for sustainable transport and energy solutions. In the research and development process, systematic measurements are indispensable to evaluate technological advances. To conduct measurement campaigns as efficiently as possible, it is necessary to check the quality of the data immediately after it is generated directly at the engine test bed. In the event of a measurement fault, the prompt detection of the fault helps to ensure that corrective action is taken – e.g., the replacement of a faulty sensor. There are multiple ways to detect measurement faults, from simple limit checks to model-based methods that consider the physical relations of the variables. Since physical modeling of highly complex systems is limited, however, fault detection methods are required that are based not on explicit physical knowledge but on historical data.

LEC Data Challenge

With our first LEC Data Challenge, we would like to encourage data-enthusiastic students and practitioners from various disciplines to develop data-based fault detection methods that are best suited for our large engine applications. To this end, a training data set is provided, a second test data set contains multiple faults. The goal is to find as many as possible. The data challenge ranking will be based on the number of correctly classified points (faulty or fault-free). Thus, it is important not to identify fault-free records as faulty or vice versa.

Participation in the Challenge is possible from May 1 (earliest data release) to August 19, 2019. Data and detailed task description will be sent via email after successful registration. As an incentive, there is the possibility of voluntary intermediate submission to get feedback on how far away you are from the goal. If you have any questions please contact Doris Schadler via


The top five teams will be invited to present their contributions at the 17th symposium “The Working Process of the Internal Combustion Engine” focusing on sustainable Mobility, Transport and Power Generation in Graz on Thursday, September 26 – Friday, September 27, 2019.



Around 100 participants took the opportunity to get to know the results of the HyMethShip project. The event was announced by the project partners to their business contacts and was conducted online.
Registrations came from 18 countries and 4 continents, which shows how far the project has spread.

The business sector from which the audience came was also broad: The majority were researchers, with shipping companies, builders and operators accounting for the next largest share. Engine manufacturers and other industries were also well represented, as were consultants and engineering firms, classification societies and administrations.

Four expert presentations gave authentic and detailed information about all involved technologies, how these are working in combination to ensure an efficient propulsion system and driving the carbon capture and storage components with the waste heat of the engine (Dr. Nicole Wermuth, LEC). The HyMethShip concept was evaluated to be particularly suitable for Passenger and cruise ships on travels up to 600 nautical miles and for bigger ships (tankers and Ro-Ro cargo ships on high sea voyages (Dr. Joannes Ellis, SSPA). Promising are also the results of the environmental and the cost assessments by means of a LCA- and a LCC-study (Dr. Selma Brynolf, CTH) as well as the safety assessment (Dr. Alex Pedgrift, Dr. Abhijit Aul, Lloyds Register).

The tenor of the discussion was that the HyMethShip system could prove its feasibility and represents an attractive way to achieve far-reaching decarbonization of the shipping sector. The elegance of the system is especially reflected in the closing of the carbon cycle which is achieved by incorporating a pre-combustion carbon capture process.

The interest of the participants was high, and was also demonstrated by the fact that all stayed until the end of the event.


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HyMethShip und Wege zur klimaneutralen Schifffahrt

Prof. Andreas Wimmer im Ö1 Interview über Konzepte für nachhaltige Schifffahrt und zur Erreichung der Klimaziele.


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